Happy Trails

For those who have been following my posts for a while, you know that my spouse, Chanda, who has epilepsy, had a “tricky” spring. At our May 18 Boston Walk for Epilepsy, we celebrated one month seizure free – though not one month fatigue, side effect, and other adverse-effect free. We – Chanda’s health, and our family – are getting stronger every day. Last Monday, she was well enough to go horseback riding. This week, she is getting back to exercise with one-mile walks: this from an elite athlete who once spent 10+ hours a day training as an Olympic ice hockey player (while living with epilepsy). When I first met Chanda and we used to go to the gym together, it was intimidating for me. I try to keep in shape, and Chanda could literally run rings around me on the track, do more push-ups, sit-ups, etc. without even really exerting herself. I would be a messy pile of sweat while Chanda was looking for the next challenge. I run 4 miles a day, and today, Chanda is restricted from exercise. But soon, I pray/hope/believe that Chanda will run circles around me again.
This is riding the highs and lows of living with epilepsy. This week, she was here, and our family was well enough to go horseback riding. We are on a good path, and we hope the very same for you. Happy Trails!