Epilepsy Envoys Program

Share Your Voice - Become an Envoy

Lead the change the epilepsy community needs through awareness and education

An envoy is a messenger on a diplomatic mission - a diplomat builds relationships.

The Epilepsy Envoys Program provides a dedicated corps of trained, high-level advocacy volunteers who are empowered to share their experiences and educate lawmakers to help advance Epilepsy Foundation New England's policy priorities. Envoys establish an ongoing relationship with their legislators and participate in advocacy activities throughout the year.

Our Epilepsy Envoy (E2) program is designed to empower and strengthen your voice by sharing your story to inform others about epilepsy.

Become an Envoy

We are inviting people living with epilepsy, their families, and care providers to become an Epilepsy Envoy and strengthen relationships within their community. In this role, you’ll inform others about epilepsy; explain what exactly epilepsy is, and discuss your journey with epilepsy from diagnosis and treatment to challenges and triumphs. 


Here's What Epilepsy Envoys are Saying:

“Thank you for letting me join you today at the State House and share my story with the lawmakers.  I didn’t know that I could teach them so much about epilepsy and my journey!  I hope to continue sharing my story with others and make my school safer with your help, thank you, Bill!”

Megan, 15


Make that initial contact with your legislators

Maintain ongoing relationships with your legislators

Effectively Influence legislators to help them make good policies and laws that benefit people living with epilepsy


Educate you on the policy issues affecting people living with epilepsy and their families

Help you to know and stay informed on the various issues and bills currently before the legislature

Help you to understand how these policies impact people with epilepsy

Let you know what steps you can take on a particular issue and support you throughout the process.


We Need Your Help!

Contacting and meeting with your legislators

Testifying before legislators at State House hearings

Sharing your story with the media (the press, radio and TV)

Submitting letters to the editor to local newspapers

And more……


Questions?  Contact Us!

