Blocking The Shots

“She’s used to being hit with 80 mile an hour hockey pucks. She can handle it.” Years ago, when I first came to know Chanda, she was facing a particular challenge at work, and this is what her supervisor said to me. Recently I was reminded of a video Chanda did with Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Cincinnati and Columbus. This is who she is: strong, adaptable, fierce – and always looking to block the next shot epilepsy throws her way, while working to help our community’s young people find strength, solutions, hope, and connection. Being a caregiver for a person with epilepsy can be stressful, challenging, worrisome, and difficult. It is also breathtakingly inspiring. At this Saturday’s Walk for Epilepsy, Team Chanda will be there in force, for the first time ever (she’s never had her own team). I’m grateful and moved by our personal community’s support for Team Chanda. Sometimes I sit and read the other teams’ amazing stories and I encourage you to take a minute and read. Your stories and our community inspire me every day. Thank you.
And, Go Bruins!